Mar 12, 2014 20:12
You know what is wrong with the world today? Too many people who have learned and adapted themselves to repetitive behavior that leaves them taking their environment and all others around them for granted. As a society, we’ve come to this “hustle-and-bustle”, everyday way of life that keeps us on the move with little rest and no time to stop and enjoy the finer moments in our world. Yet, there are individuals who have all the time they could possibly want, and instead of being grateful and care-giving about their time and experiences, they dwell on how the world has done them wrong and how dare it not feel sorry for them in their time of need. Yet, if these individuals put to practice the same priorities, responsibilities, and attitudes that the rest of the world does, their principles and way of life would be uncompromising like the rest of us.
Sympathy-seekers, as society calls them, have yet to grow and mature in the realm of being a species, not to take from the world what they can, but give only to a world of which they must. Rather than use self-pity tactics and schemes to use people for easier means, these individuals should look beyond their own needs and deprivations, and consider the sacrifice and consequences they are asking and bringing upon others. So too often, these individuals are wrapped in their own entanglement of self-loathing and abhorrence that they cannot consciously reach out or grasp the sentiment of another human being nor their efforts.
In shocking realization, these individuals feel as though their misfortunate lives and forsaken futures are due to the unjustifiable harms of so-called loved-ones in vengeful ploys to victimize them for their so-called loved-ones’ own amusement and entertainment. Asserting justifiable cause, the sympathy-seeker assumes no responsibility for how they treat other individuals, or how they let other individuals treat them. After all, it is the world that has done them wrong and not any means to which the sympathy-seeker may or may not have failed themselves. Indicatively, they rationalize that the world owes them better, demanding long-lasting admissions of regret, guilt, and forgiveness-searching. Seldom to conscious of their own judgment and condemnatory views from society, have they hypercritically expected society to reform itself more towards the sympathy-seeker’s point-of-view and understanding? How insidious for anyone in normal society to expect them to fend for themselves? But they’re a wronged group of individuals, who have been abused, mistreated, and abandoned by the moral decay of a selfish society; a society that only proves to do what is responsibly and required from a world to which they must survive. Nonetheless, to a sympathy-seeker, society should be shunned and put to shame.
How dare they ask me to give? I owe them nothing. It’s an honor to them if I even talk to them. How dare they do this to me after all I’ve done for them? They would never treat me this way if they only understood. Never shall I become anything like them.
A sad, lonely, and isolated life the sympathy-seeker lives. Never will he find consolation among his peers; he’ll forever hold contempt and disgust regarding them. Depressed and miserable he will remain; for he will surely never know what it means to be happy. Unloved and insufferable he’ll always feel; as his ability to express compassion and empathy not once is realized. Intolerable he will become; as tolerant the world should have been. Useless his life is remembered; for never did he use it to actually help others and the world around him as he should.