Age: 14
Height: Short
Weight: Thin
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Blood Type: IDK
Sign: IDK
Medical info: Has been genetically messed with! She can't speak and she has a small pair of wings. That aside, she's healthy.
Physical traits: Aforementioned pair of wings. Also, she's pretty small.
What's Okay to Mention Around Him: Anything o/
Notes for the Psychics: And this is when it gets tricky. She's quiet even in her head and doesn't really think in words, since she's never had them. So she thinks in actions and feelings-- IT'S COMPLICATED. TALK TO ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING ;o;
Abilities: Is super moe! Also, only female who can approach Haine without him snapping.
Can I shape shift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Why would you want to :( If anyone abuses Nill, Haine will EAT THEM. So talk to me if it comes up.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: All cool! /o/ Except if you try to molest her Haine will vore you.
Maim/Murder/Death: Haine vore.
Cooking: Badou is our local housewife. She really wants to learn ;~;
Special Note to Doctor-types: I know there are special magical doctors who will want to help Nill get a voice, and it would be OOC not to try. But I really don't want to make up a voice for her. So, if you try to help her camp will cock-block you. Magic won't work, instruments will turn into rubber ducks.
That said, I thiiink Nill's vocal cords are screwed. In the manga she can't laugh nor cry so I am working with the assumption that she can't make noise beyond panting and heavy breathing (the drama CDs have her kinda whimpering, but I think that's artistic license) but I know nothing about medicine, so if you have any ideas please share.