icanbreakthesky: FOUND IT
http://community.livejournal.com/fueledbynoodles/72469.htmlwordscomekinda: OMG those pictures!
wordscomekinda: I've seen them w/o the article before, they make me want to write faily-airline AU!
icanbreakthesky: OMG DO IT
That's actually how most of my fics come into existence. ^^
Air Midtown
Gabe started out as a pilot for Air Midtown when the whole place was only four guys with planes. He worked his way through the ranks, and ended up buying the place a few years after it went bankrupt. By the time he got together the money, the only one still around to see him take the keys was Rob.
"You bought this place?" he asked, staring around the dilapidated runway and the run-down two-story building that served as office, terminal, baggage check and air traffic control tower. "You really, truly bought this wreck?"
"What can I say?" Gabe grinned. "I'm bringing it back. It's gonna be bananas."
"You're bananas."
"Yes. My bananas."
Rob shook his head. "You're ever in a pinch, you know where I'll be."
"Always. You're the best man."
"Heath and Ty too, you know-"
"I know, I know. Thanks."
Starship Air cut a slim profit it's first year, and the place had been surviving ever since.
Spencer Smith The Pilot
Spencer Smith was known far and wide (but never to his face) as the worst pilot working for Starship Air. This was quite a feat, considering Gabe had hired Adam, who'd never truthfully been to flight school; Mikeyway, who couldn't quite see three feet in front of him without his glasses and a hard squint; and Travis Clark, who talked to pigeons. Even Brendon had Spencer beat; he could barely stay upright with both feet on the ground, but once he got in the air he was able to zip back and forth like a hummingbird.
Luckily for everyone within five miles of Starship Air's flight paths, Spencer had Ryan.
Ryan had the steadiest hand and the best record of the entire fleet. The Thomsen brothers would have been the best in the business, if they could turn their backs on one another for five seconds without the other attempting to take him out. They were competitive like that. Ryan and Spencer weren't competitive. Not with each other at least.
"We have to protect our honor, Spencer."
"Honor?" Spencer sighed. He was folding a paper airplane with almost painful attention to detail, lining up the edges of the paper perfectly, before bringing his thumb down hard along the crease. "You have honor, Ryan. I have a reputation."
Ryan shrugged. "What's mine is yours."
"Trust me, you don't want what I have."
"You have bad luck. So does everyone."
"My bad luck doesn't go away."
"Gabe hasn't fired you yet. That's pretty good luck-y."
"I'm just saying," Ryan shrugged again, one bony shoulder lifting and falling. "That Urie character-"
"Brendon. You know his name Ryan."
"Yeah, whatever. I have a feeling he's trying to gather information on us."
"I don't know why, maybe he's a spy-"
"Maybe you've been reading Sisky's tabloids too often," Spencer said. "What does he do that has you thinking he's a spy?"
"He spends all his free time in the hangar with the mechanics!"
"And?" Spencer looked up from his paper plane, now ready for flight, and watched as Ryan rolled his eyes.
"And-he's always talking to Walker."
"And Jon always works on my plane!" Ryan slammed one fist into his palm. "Isn't it obvious?"
"Maybe he's a gremlin," Spencer snorted.
"Don't be silly," Ryan muttered, eyes on Spencer's wrist as he flicked the paper airplane into the air. It looped up, over, and straight down about two feet in front of them. "He's small, but he's not gremlin small."
And then somewhere down the line, it got kind of ridiculous. This odd Australian pilot Michael makes an emergency landing on their runway! Mike is suspicious! A couple days later, Redbutch the vigilante appears in the middle of the night! He is an old friend of Gabe's! Who is mixed up with the Mob! Who happen to be The Jonas Brothers! The Hushies minus Greta are the kind-of-bad guys! The mechanics (Bob, Ray, Brian, Tony, Butcher, Gerard, Jon!) are really sick of listening to Mike bitch! Alex and Ryland own the Cobra Cantina, with Vicky-T and Greta! Maja runs a boarding house and is still pissed at Spencer for that time he hit her balcony with his plane!