Nov 23, 2010 23:40
So, I have watched my first Nicholas Cage movie in which I didn't think he sucked complete ass. Josh insisted we get Face Off on Netflix. I said sure mainly because of John Travolta. Because HELLO, it's John Travolta. Anyway, I still have yet to figure out exactly why Nicholas Cage is almost always cast as this badass dude. I personally do not think he gives off that attitude. Face Off was still pretty good.
I started playing World of Warcraft again, UGH. Help me. hahaha.
The above statement should explain this next one. My NaNoWriMo word count has come to a screeching halt....oops....
I've been having a hankering to write a manga.... I'm pretty sure I'm getting a tablet for Christmas. Project? I think so!
Also, work sucks. I still have yet to figure out how my management insists i complete eight hours of work in four. QUIT MAKING ME DO OTHER THINGS YET STILL EXPECT MY THINGS TO BE DONE! Besides, stop putting me in the cash office. I applied to come OUT of there. Took a promotion I really didn't want and yet I still get shoved back in there because of lack of choices. I hate that little fucking box.
And Friday is the dreaded day......Black Friday.....meeeehhh.......