Title: Second Date
Fandom: Heroes
Characters:Prompt: #62:smirk
Word Count: 100
Rating:: PG
Notes: although this is an original work of mine, I do not own anything pertaining to the show Heroes
follow their story ‘I didn’t think I’d see you again.’
Claire laughed. ‘I didn’t know you wanted to see me that badly.’
Peter reached up and brushed the hair out of her face, this cheerleader that had changed his life in so many ways. ‘Your beautiful Claire, how could I stay away?’
‘Well, maybe that’s my real power.’ she said with the half smile that had stuck in his mind.
‘I’m serious Claire. I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t know what happened that night, but you’re a part of me now.’
‘Well, things sure did get complicated, didn’t they.’ Claire said.