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Comments 2

Below the Surface [CSI/The X-Files; Grissom/Catherine, Mulder/Scully] csiangel July 24 2010, 11:05:50 UTC
Aww I love that closing line :) I love that throughout this I could picture each expression and gesture - particularly when Mulder had one hand on his hip, turned and pointed. Hee! I really love that your descriptions of their mannerisms are so accurate. It makes it like watching it all happen.
Thank you for posting this. You know I really enjoy it :)


Re: Below the Surface [CSI/The X-Files; Grissom/Catherine, Mulder/Scully] regalish July 28 2010, 04:36:21 UTC
Thanks, Jac! I really do love putting focus on their mannerisms, because it's what makes them so unique. (And because I like 'watching' it happen while I write it, hehe!)

More to come soon!


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