Title: Freefalling Kisses Pairing: Kai/LuHan Summary: They purred each others names like a waterfall, both being engulfed in a flame of need and wanton murmurs. Rating: R
"Bye," Kai also whispers, placing a kiss over LuHan's eyes. --imagining this rn okay bye /dying
this was beautiful okay ;-; also, you are not alone. i'm writing a kai/luhan one shot rn and i have the same sentiment, why the fuck am i writing something about a group who hasn't debuted yet? orz
anyway, thanks for sharing! this was really lovely :)
(;____;) they're all so damn good-looking (as expected from sm... the visuals, i admit, never let me down) i just wish the unending supply of teasers will end and they will finally debut!! OTL i've never done this before exo came along--writing stories about them while i know nothing about them lol
i'm looking forward to your oneshot :D ♥ Kai/LuHan (KaiHan? LuKai? dunno what to call them yet lol)
I don't think I can love you more than I possibly do. ;A; ♥ Fulfilling all of my pairing craves! \O/
Sobs, you are amazing; this is so perfect I can print it out and cuddle with it hurhurhur. I wouldn't mind if you kept writing more LuKai. *Nods* Good luck on the essays that you're supposed to do LOL. 8D
♥♥♥♥ahhaha i'm glad you liked it! lol Kai/LuHan just screamed at me, "pick us! you know you want to!" OTL wae are they so kyute D: (otp? yeap i think so rofl)
ahh you compliment this too much~! but i'm happy it was to your liking nonetheless hurrhurr B)
essays...i have a ton lined up for me to finish... gah.
se-seqeul? >//< oh gosh..i am so tempted..SO very tempted to continue this into something...larger...and deeper... O__O;;; -fingers are twitching to write- OTL
haha i'll deffs think about it, now that you have implemented the idea in my head lol thanks for reading! :D
ahhh that sounds so awesome (;_____;) i love romeo & juliet...and if it was kai/luhan as the central characters...ohmygoodness.. you're right, someone needs to write something like this ASAP. (>.>) (<.<) (>.<) what is this..my fingers are twitching to write.. (Q___Q) this plot can be so epic if all exo members were in it. OTL
haha, anyways, thank you for reading and commenting! :D
Comments 22
--imagining this rn okay bye /dying
this was beautiful okay ;-;
also, you are not alone. i'm writing a kai/luhan one shot rn and i have the same sentiment, why the fuck am i writing something about a group who hasn't debuted yet? orz
anyway, thanks for sharing! this was really lovely :)
i'm looking forward to your oneshot :D ♥ Kai/LuHan (KaiHan? LuKai? dunno what to call them yet lol)
thank you for reading! o(^__^)o
Sobs, you are amazing; this is so perfect I can print it out and cuddle with it hurhurhur. I wouldn't mind if you kept writing more LuKai. *Nods* Good luck on the essays that you're supposed to do LOL. 8D
ahh you compliment this too much~! but i'm happy it was to your liking nonetheless hurrhurr B)
essays...i have a ton lined up for me to finish... gah.
thanks for reading! :D
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oh gosh..i am so tempted..SO very tempted to continue this into something...larger...and deeper... O__O;;; -fingers are twitching to write- OTL
haha i'll deffs think about it, now that you have implemented the idea in my head lol
thanks for reading! :D
what is this..my fingers are twitching to write.. (Q___Q) this plot can be so epic if all exo members were in it. OTL
haha, anyways, thank you for reading and commenting! :D
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