Avengers (movie-verse): Clint, team, PG

Jul 08, 2012 14:19

Title: Be There When I Wake Up
Fandom: Avengers (movie-verse)
Rating: PG
Pairing: none
Warnings: mentions of injury, swearing
Summary/Notes: avengerkink fill for Take off from the scene in Firefly:

Clint's just been through hell, and is in medical getting a blood transfusion or the good IV drugs or whatever. All the team's there, dealing with their own smaller wounds and Clint directs the title question to the entire room.

Everyone answers in the positive, and he slips back into unconsciousness with a smile.

Be There When I Wake Up

There's pain, so damn much pain and Clint isn't sure where he is, though he hopes it's medical. The gouges across his stomach are fucking killing and he feels he might have to warn the people hovering on either side of him that he's gonna puke in a moment, especially if they don't stop pulling his eyelids up to shine a flashlight into his eyes. But hey, that means he's in medical which, all things considered, is an upshot. Definitely an upshot from some alien beast trying to rip out his insides for shits 'n giggles.

Something presses against his wounds and Clint screams and it sends fire through his ribs and a marching band of trolls through his head and Clint vaguely remembers falling and the impact that had knocked him out. Fuck, he wishes he'd stayed out.

There's yelling and possibly threatening from somewhere to his right and then quiet. Clint squeezes his eyes shut for a moment and doesn't open them again 'til he feels himself floating. Ok, so he can barely open his eyes anymore, but he is floating and he isn't feeling much of anything now. If he didn't know it's still there he'd almost be able to forget that there's blood leaking from his abdomen and his skin hanging in strips. Clint snorts at the thought, it suddenly being morbidly funny. Fuck, one thing he loves about SHIELD. Sure, he regularly giets into situations that require him tripped out on pain meds, but at least they have the good stuff. The kind that makes him high as a kite and takes away the pain and knocks him out before it makes him feel nauseous.

Distantly, Clint starts to make out voices around the medical bay. If he were in any state for imagination, he could piece together the scene, but that, right there, is definitely Stark resisting treatment and Cap trying to argue him into it. He'd succeed; he always did. There's a quiet sigh not far from Clint and he knows it to be Bruce. Clint manages to force his eyes to focus just for long enough to make out the man's form, Natasha to his side with an ice pack against her neck and Thor striding past his bed trying to evade a nurse brandishing some sort of medical tool or another.

Clint actually laughs this time and the place goes relatively quiet. He's sure he can feel all eyes on him.

"You all gonna be here when I wake up?" he asks. He knows there'll be surgery and more pain before that happens and recovery and shit when it does, but that's how you go on, right? Don't focus on all the unpleasant stuff; focus on your ragtag team of Earth's Mightiest giving the medical staff nervous breakdowns.

There's a chorus of affirmatives all around and a sound that Clint is sure is Bruce stopping Thor from clapping Clint on the shoulder. Clint grins and thinks: thank you, Doc.

A nurse comes in and starts to usher everyone out. Shit, Clint thinks, they're ready to prep him for surgery. A grimace replaces his grin for a moment, but then Natasha squeezes his hand just before she gets up from her chair and leaves and when Clint really feels a hand on his shoulder he pries his eyes open to look into Cap's ridiculous baby-blues.

"We'll be here, sport," Steve says with a gentle squeeze to Clint's shoulder.

Then everyone leaves. They slip the IV into the back of Clint's hand and he can feel the anaesthetic take effect. Clint goes under with a smile on his lips.

character: team, character: clint barton, fandom: avengers

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