This is really, really funny. It's like David Cross meets Will Farrell. I love how distressed his voice gets, how bitter and put-upon he is, how he's always sighing. So, sooooo hilarious. (If you enjoy episode 1, there are 3 more equally amusing episodes, continuing the failed marriage motif, on YouTube.)
You Suck at Photoshop
Episode 1: Distort, Warp & Layer Effects
Episode 2 ("Maybe you've got a picture of the cat your wife rescued without talking to you first, and brought it home, and made your house a cat toilet, and then when her emergency business meeting came up this weekend, she refused to let you take it to a kennel, and you have to watch the cat this weekend. Do you have that photo? I do. So let's open that up.")
Episode 3 ("It's gonna cover very nicely in that, uh, that liar crevice of fingers right there, on this dirty whore hand")
Episode 4 (the "Ring of Infinite Sorrows") (actual eBay auction,