Oct 07, 2010 12:25
it's like live animal planet at my house!! we've got these cute little bunnie families all over (some brown & some white, & even some mixed). yesterday we saw a hawk in our side yard tree. it was only odd because we see them everywhere but our yard (and most ppl's yard for that matter). but today was wicked!
my brother & i were taking our dog (koa, pic's in my journal) out for a walk. then out of nowhere we saw the hawk dive out of the tree & grab a little white bunny & fly off!!
then he came back!! we saw he had already gotten one (severed head & rotting off to the side), and taken another two (though i guess he had an accomplice because even though they move fast, i know it's not that fast).
i never thought i'd see animal planet material in my own back yard~
i'm not excited that the bunny was killed, but seeing in real life was mind blowing. i hope the little bunnies learn how to hide better from now on~
!uber excitement,
real life is awesome,
random stuff is random