Jan 20, 2005 00:28
Few things before I bounce out.
1. I love Shana
2. I love Adam
3. I love Ali
4. I wanna just knock sense into some people. Like, don't waste someone's time and be uncool. GOSH.
5. To do the Extra Credit or not? She told one kid, its EC...to do or not to do. Oh, the wonders of Benyonne Schwortz.
6. Comfortable came on...I love John Mayer
7. I love Seniors '05. Fcrew WHATUP. Hey, MARG!
8. When people say, go to your meeting, you can really get your mind of schoolwork. Really, I went tonite, it was so relaxing and snowy, and I forgot about the massitivity that is SCHOOLWORK. SO MUCH TODAY, I didn't relax for then ten min tops. All together. Ya. WHATUP.
9. Believe in me. Believe in yourself. Don't be afraid to be amazing (YA KRISTA)
10. Prom...WHO'S EXCITED! I just want it to be all feelings that night, no thought. I want to enjoy every moment and not think about what's coming tomorrow or what happened yesterday. I want it to be the excuse of what I want to do everyday...except, I really want it to happen on May 26. I just wanna soak it all up and love it<3
11. We have such little time, don't waste it.
12. I love you...thanks for reading this long list! Oh! and I had poached eggs for my first time EVER. Yay.