Aug 03, 2008 21:04


My kiddo went to hang with the BH's parents last week, then my sister picked her up on Thursday.  I had a conversation with the BH's mom about activities, food, etc that were okay for the kiddo.   No such conversation happened with my sister, I just figured that she had it covered.  My sister is a nurse, a pediatric nurse at that, and has two children who are younger than my daughter.  So I wasn't too worried about it as far as bedtime and appropriate activities and such.

Then this morning I'm talking to my sister and she mentions that her daughter had a bad dream a couple nights ago and crawled into bed with my sister and asked my sister to "pray for her".  My niece is 6 and my sister thought it was sweet and funny.  My heart started beating a bit faster when she told me the story, and I suddenly realized that today was Sunday.

I told myself that there is no way that my sister would take my daughter to church without making sure it would be okay with me.  My sister KNOWS that I am absolutely not religious and that I've had some serious issues with my mom regarding her continuous prostelitizing, at one point even telling my mom that she wasn't going to be allowed to be alone with my daughter if she didn't cut it out.

So I asked what they did this morning, and sure enough, they went to church.

I told my sister I was stunned that she would take someone else's child to church without clearing it with them first, and she told me she was surprised that I wouldn't have assumed that they would go.  She told me that she thought my kiddo had a good time and that she "didn't think any harm was done", then told me all about the "Bible bucks" that my kiddo earned (somehow?) and the cheezy plastic crap that my kid then purchased- a surfboard necklace I think.  My sister goes to a huge church with an equally huge kid's program, so I'm sure it made quite an impression on my kiddo.


I feel absolutely so disrespected by my sister.  I don't believe for one second that she thought this would be okay with me.  The BH pointed out that I could have anticipated this, but honestly, my sister doesn't mention church or bible study or god in conversation with me.  I know that she goes to church and has for the past few years, but I also haven't spent much time around her in the past few years.  So it's not really something that comes to mind when I think about her.

We'd already decided that we aren't going to go down for Christmas this year- it's a big religious holiday for my mom and I'm just not comfortable spending it with her anymore.  This incident has me thinking that this might be the kiddo's last solo trip to hang out with my family...  especially since my sister was *barely* apologetic.

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