Poetry Slam Finals: The White Noise Machine Originally uploaded by
Word Freak. Last Saturday I attended the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word team qualifier finals at Hugh's Room. I went as a photographer only this time and another staffer at
blogTO did
the write-up.
It had been a while since I was into the spoken word sort of performance poetry. For the uninitiated, this type of an event isn't your turtleneck-wearing nerdy aunt spewing boring, flowery prose.
This is interactive, sex-drugs-and-rock'n'roll stand-up routines delivered as in-your-face epithets that recount the intricacies of life's trivialities. This is about as raw as you can get and still somehow call it poetry.
I used to enjoy being up on that stage, sharing my words with the crowd. Perhaps I'll give it another go someday. I quite enjoyed documenting it from a visual perspective. You can see my entire photo set and read the full story on
this write-up on
- Word!