Monday night is Scrabble in the City night!

Jan 29, 2007 17:21

LATERAD board (b&w)
Originally uploaded by Word Freak.
Sitting at home with nothing to do on a cold Monday night in Toronto?

Tonight's the perfect weather to cozy up indoors and play some Scrabble. So come check out the fun and games at Kilgour's for Scrabble in the City

Every Monday I host a casual Scrabble club at Kilgour's pub on Bloor Street, just east of Bathurst. We start at 7 and usually go pretty late.

Come for a game or two or just drop by and see what it's all about. Throw down a few tiles as you knock back a BREWSKI or two. Play a theme word and win a cool prize!

We get players of all ages and abilities, so don't worry about how good you are or if you think you'll fit in. We get absolute beginners every week. I provide a "cheat sheet" of all the 2- and 3-letter words to get you going, and there's a mostly fun and social vibe at Scrabble in the City.

- Word!

pub, scrabble in the city, fun, games, scrabble

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