Troll 2 is being shown at Innis Town Hall (NW corner of St. George and Sussex Ave) tonight.
CINSSU has recently named it's Cult Night screenings (generally located in Room 222 at Innis College on Tuesday Evenings) as WTF?! Films. Each screening is Tuesday night in room 222 of Innis College starting around 7pm.
Jan 23rd: - Troll 2 (1990)
Dubbed as the “best worst movie” ever made by the few privileged to experience the infamous sequel to 1986’s TROLL, Troll 2 manages to be so consistently terrible in its performances, dialogue and narrative coherence that its also perhaps one of the funniest films of all time. It has become a cult hit in the US where screenings of the film have encouraged a Rocky Horror level of audience participation.
Take a look at a clip from the film: So who's coming?
- Word!