Election theme tonight

Jan 16, 2006 17:13

Tonight's Scrabble in the City will have an election theme. To be eligible for the Theme Word Prize, all you have to do is play a word that somehow ties into our upcoming elections. Possible winning entries could include: BALLOTS, PARTY, POLITICS, PRIME, MINISTER, REELECT, LIBERAL, or even TORY or VOTE. Pity NDP isn't a valid Scrabble word. But I will accept JACK as a valid entry. ;o)

And you get to practice your voting when we all vote on the Theme Word Prize!

Last week's theme of New Year's Resolutions was won by newcomer Sandy, who played DIET. She won a special motivational CD/pedometer gift pack for her efforts. Other prizewinners included Kevin and Heather, who paired up to make their resolution word FUN for 2006. They were each rewarded with some fun word game books.

Congratulations to some of our Scrabble in the City regulars who participated in the recent Scrabble tournament in Oshawa this weekend. Tony, Max and Evan - all SitC attendees - placed 1st, 3rd and 4th in the A division. Heather, who had a 540-point game (winning the high-game prize) won the B division, while I only retained my 10th place seed, also in the B division. Michael and Dain each won their respective divisions (C and D divisions), and Christine placed 4th in the E division.

Not everyone who plays with us on Monday nights is so competitive, so don't worry about how good you are or how many words you know. I provide a "cheat sheet" of all the 2- and 3-letter words to get you going, and there's a mostly casual, laid-back vibe. Last week we entertained Yuka and Simpson, a couple of visitors from Japan, who barely knew English and were playing Scrabble for their very first time and they still had a lot of fun.

Join in on the fun and games at Kilgour's pub on Bloor Street (just east of Bathurst). We start at 7PM and go 'til close to midnight. Come for a game or come for a drink. Stay as long as you want. Meet other cool people. Throw down a few tiles as you knock back a drink or two. Play a theme word and win a cool prize.


P.S. I've signed up to work as a Central Poll Supervisor at a nearby polling station for Election Day, so I'll be working a 15 hour day next Monday. So don't count on seeing me at Kilgour's on Election Day. But feel free to congregate and play games as the election results come in. There's usually a steady group of regulars who will want a game.

social, fun, words, games, scrabble

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