Magic Merlin Muffins

Apr 23, 2009 23:51

Whoohoo! Roll on Sunday 3 May, when channel 10 is finally showing Merlin.

I blame my friends list for consistently pimping this show, and sucking me into reading fanfic already, despite my best intentions to wait. seperis has been the main culprit in this with all her fabulous recs, but the straw that broke the dragon's back was rageprufrock posting Drastically Redefining Protocol. I mean, how was I supposed to resist? Plus it was modern day and AU, so it's not like it was really going to spoil anything, right? But like all great mood altering substances, it proved impossible to stop after the first sweet, spicy taste.

Plus, I'm in the supermarket after swimming last night, and what do I see before me? Merlin recommends Tip Top English Muffins. They're MAGIC MUFFINS!

This show must really be something. *grins*

Also, I huge thank-you to the people at Dreamwidth for my account code (I lucked out in one of the draws for OpenID users). I feel so randomly special! Seriously though, I bounced all day after getting the email, it totally made my day - my partner thought I was an even bigger dork than usual. I've been watching the ramp up to this with huge interest, and now I'm here I'm really excited and impressed. *heads off to read up on how to do more cool stuff*

dreamwidth, merlin

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