Oct 02, 2012 17:46

What is wordery?
Simply put, it's a goal-oriented writing challenge. You choose either daily, weekly or monthly and then pick which pledge you want to do.

Can I join in at any time of the year?

Do I have to be a member to participate?
Yes, posts are locked.

What are the different pledge levels?
Weekly: 700, 1400, 2100, 2800, 3500, 7000
Monthly: 3000, 6000, 9000, 12000, 15000, 30000

Are there check-ins?
Yes. Your pledge will determine how often you check in. Weekly has 3 days and monthly has 5 days to check in.

What if I need to be away without internet access?
Leave a comment to the hiatus post. Please be sure to let me know when you're back.

What happens if I miss a check-in?
If it's just a once here or there, nothing. It happens to the best of us. However, your word count for the week or month you missed won't be counted. If it becomes a habit and you miss more than three check-ins in a row (and you're not on hiatus), I will remove you from the community.

What counts toward my word count?
Both fanfiction and original works count.

Do I need to share my writing with anyone?

Does it have to be one long piece?
No. You can write a novel if you wish, but you can also write shorter works as well.

Okay, I signed up. Now what?
Wait for your invite. In the meantime, start writing. :)

Do you have a banner I can pimp with?
Yes, and any pimping is very appreciated. :)

I have a question you didn't answer.
All questions should be asked in the page-a-mod post.


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