"As Constant as a Ticking Clock" : A DW prompt challenge drabble

Sep 06, 2013 19:41

Title: As Constant as a Ticking Clock
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Tenth Doctor
Rating: G
Theme: "Noise" from who_contest
Words: 300
Summary: He'd never feared that noise before. Never had reason to fear that noise.
Spoilers: Up to 04x19 The Special: The End of Time
Warnings: Rusty writing skills. Unbeta'd.
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue. Characters belong to the BBC, and I am merely borrowing them with no harm intended to those concerned. No profit has been gained; no drugs, money, sex or otherwise exchanged hands during the making of this.

You don't get to the Doctor' age in life without being afraid of a noise like that. Or perhaps that would explain why he was on his eleventh regeneration.

Fear of that noise hadn't really come apparent until around his tenth regeneration. His previous nine bodies associated the noise with everything being just right. Like a green light for traffic, a downward facing signal for trains, an all clear, proceed. But his tenth regeneration found fear in that noise.
The tenth form had gone his whole life without fearing the noise, though. It was the noise he heard in death. The noise he'd been told to listen out for. The last thing he'd hear before the end of his tenth life.

That sound. It's constant rhythm. Beating out a samba, as one companion had beautifully described. It's steady beat was also the Time Lord heartbeat. And it caused his heart to miss out a few of those beats when he realized he'd survived the Master and the wrath of the Time Lords. . . But then it came and his heart skipped more beats.
He could have been so much more. Oh, he has lived too long. Far too long.

It used to be the sound of the heart beat of a Time Lord. As constant as a ticking clock. But now, now it meant Wilfred. And death. The end of time. The end of his time. His time in his tenth form anyway. Wilfred Mott that innocence. Oh, he had taken so many innocent lives, and deserved this, but from Wilfred. No. The Master. Yes. He could understand that. But this innocent human responsible for his death. His tenth death. It couldn't take it. Wilfred, and himself, were so much more. Why did he have to deliver that noise?

prompt: writing, word count: 100 - 1k, type: drabble, writer: charlie, challenge: who contest, rating: g, word count: 1k - 5k, fandom: doctor who: new who, prompt fill

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