Oct 31, 2013 18:19
I have just opened my own business. It is a home-based business doing sales through the internet. The website has now launched and I am ready to take orders. I am taking a long-time hobby -- making candles -- and trying to turn it into a business, one that will provide me with a viable income. Back in July I was laid off from the job I had held and enjoyed for nineteen years. It was a great job, and I really loved it, but I was still working for someone else. This is my attempt to make a living doing something I enjoy -- and am really good at -- while providing a good product to my customers. I take a lot of pride in my skills as a chandler, and I promise that the candles you buy from me will be better than what you would find among the candles carried by most stores. My candles are made to order rather than mass produced. I can do a lot of things for my customers that aren't possible when the candles are churned out by a factory.
The site is www.bettertolightacandlecreations.com Please come check it out and order some candles.