Feb 20, 2005 13:18
It's been forever and a day since I posted in this and I really don't have time to be doing so... I'm doing this for YOU, people!
I teach at Hiram Johnson High School (home of the Warriors) this semester and it's been less than ideal. It has, though, been a lot better than my last semester and I feel that, even though I'm getting my butt kicked, I'm handling my kids in a more competent manner.
Of course, that doesn't mean that I didn't almost quit my program last week. Just that I'm doing better than I did last time.
For your information: The next time anyone tells you that teacher's have an easy job, tell them how you know someone who is teaching three English classes on top of taking 18 units of night classes and paying for it just for the prviledge of teaching. Tell them that if a teacher even does the minimum amount of work possible that they're taking home an additional three hours of grading and lesson planning for the next day after they get out at 3 and that the average teacher works 50-70 hours a week. And then kick them hard. In the balls. Repeatedly.*
Other than that, I'm alive, dating a beautiful South African girl, and trying to keep in touch with people but instead usually choosing to sleep.
I'll update again about more interesting stuff later.
*Or, if they are female, punch them in the boobs.