Oct 04, 2008 11:20
Grr. Why do I have to be so damn good???
Remember Speech Contest? Well the actual competition was yesterday...80 odd students from 16 schools competing in 4 sections - 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade recitation of pre-determined speeches, and the 3rd grade open speech category, where the kids select and write their own material to perform.
There are 2 districts - Awa district, with 12 schools, and Tateyama City district, with 4 schools. Don't ask me why Tateyama gets its own district, but it does. And the 4 schools in that district are mine, Hinson's, Eric's and Frances's. All the ALT's teaching in Awa are here on the JET program, and Tateyama is Interac...bit of rivalry happening. Anyways, it meant that every student competing in Tateyama District got a prize, coz first to fourth all receive something.
The winners of the 3rd grade open speech in each district are invited to the prefectural finals, and then onto the National Finals of what is the biggest speech contest in the world.
We came 4th in the 1st grade (it must've been close though coz the kids got 80/100), 2nd in the 2nd Grade (I personally think we were robbed), 4th in the 3rd grade recitation (sadly, had to agree with that one) and .... FIRST in the 3rd grade open speech.
Dammit. Of all the sections to win, we had to win the one that requires further practice!! Grrr. But Miho did so well, she really did deserve it. I guess it also means I might get to tag along on the trip to Chiba city in 2 weeks time.
And, in what appears to be a world-wide tradition, we stopped with the kids at McDonalds on the way back to school...one slight difference though - the TEACHER pays for the kids to eat! :O!
So the practice continues...bah.