I have four different fics in the works right now. There's the terribly depressing Matt/Amid and dark Maury-is-a-bad-bad-man-and-Matt's-a-canon-sue that I mentioned earlier, plus a special!Mo fic and my pitch-hit for
And yet despite this, right now what I want to do more than anything else is write some Heroes rare pair fic that will get me sent to special Hell. Or, at least, that someone will nominate to the
heroes_slash awards in the rare pair category. Because while I lovelovelove me some MattMo, I'm in the mood to be a little adventurous.
But I don't know who I want to write. For about three seconds, I got really excited about writing D.L. into a slash fic with the working title of "On the Down-low" but then I realized that not only is D.L. so damned heterosexual, he also didn't actually interact with any of the Heroes other than Niki and Micah before he died. I could go A.U., but that's not really what I'm feeling tonight.
So I'm just going to open this up as a drabble bar to the flist. Name me some bizarre pairings and I will write you a little drabble. I'd be up for some femmeslash or het, too, if anyone wants those.
All I ask is that it's relatively believable that they have an interaction, given the timeline of the show. Oh, yeah, and I am totally turned off by incest and/or pairs that involve one character who's a minor and one who's not (...I feel like you always have to specify this in the Heroes fandom, sadly).