Aug 21, 2007 16:38
I believe that it is so interesting how karma always comes around to bite you in the ass 10 fold. It all seems so simple in the end when you really look at it at a glance and you would assume that one would realize that perhaps the issue with friendship is more than skin deep and lys within their own self issues and insecurities.... rather than whoever the golden ticket holder was this circle that some how gained the privalege of "hanging out with such amazing company." Maybe it is just me but I honestly feel sorry for people like this. I mean how sad would it be to wake up every single day and know that there isn't one person that you could truly count on and trust through thick or thin if you werent providing them with 'something" in return and to know that the reason you are without that one person to count on is based soley on YOUR OWN actions. That would be a hard issue to just gulp down with glory. I am not exactly sure where I am coming from with this or where I am going just seemed to be pretty appropriate and got me thinking about who I have become at this point in my life and how much I have grown as an individual. Sometimes I look back and I just don't know the person I once was, and perhaps that isn't such a bad thing after all. I don't believe that I was a very good person at all a few years ago...all I did was run my mouth and bring people down just to use as stepping stools to claw myself back up to the top...and for what? Its weird how things have changed over the past 3 years...I mean don't get me wrong, I have A LOT of growing up to do and I am nowhere near being a mature adult by any means. I make lots of mistakes and say things that should never be said, but I do have my head on straight this time around and I am traveling in one direction for once. I am not going to let anyone or anything stop me from getting where I need to be regardless of how broke my ass always is hahaah. I just realized that this is one big ass run-on paragraph and I am definitely not taking the time to break it up...not like anyone reads these things anyhow. On a lighter note...I start school next week...which sucks because that means back to hiding under a rock for about 4 months...ahhh well it should all be over in a couple of years and hopefully I will move on to accomplish even bigger goals. Christen and I found an apartment to move into and we are doing that the first week of september. Everything seems to be falling into I just have to sit back and watch it happen. P3AC3 n3wBZzZzZ!@!@!@!@