Worth the wait?

Apr 13, 2008 19:32

Am I seriously going to talk about each episode of Battlestar Galactica after it happens? Well, maybe not, but for now, it's looking that way. Hey, I spent the first three seasons on the outside looking in, so now that I can follow it in real time with everybody else, I'm gonna discuss. So, last week I lamented the fact that nothing much happened.

I'd have to say...not so much. Let's break it down.

Well, Kara didn't shoot the President. Gosh, I didn't see that coming. She got to call Laura on sending her off for the Arrow of Apollo a year ago, but not trusting her hunch now. She also got her own ship to go off and scout for Earth, so that makes two things I said should have happened last week. Good that they happened, but giving me a week in the middle to grumble about it made them seem awfully late. Katee Sackhoff got to continue to roll around on the floor and scream, which, um, good for her, I guess.

The President is a lousy shot, isn't she? Or are we supposed to read more into that? And she's getting increasingly grumpy and judgmental, it seems to me. I'll give her a pass because she's dying of cancer (again), but that only goes so far. Can someone explain to me why she hasn't asked for another Cylon stem-cell treatment?

Tory Foster always seemed like something of a nonentity to be one of the Final Five, and now this nonsense with Baltar isn't making me like her any more. Judging from the previews for next week, it's going to get worse before it gets better.

So Virtual Gaius wandered out of Six's head and into Real Gaius'...that's odd. And it was clearly love at first sight, too. I'm not sure how to take that whole scene; it seemed rather campy to me. I want to think it's more significant, but I can't help suspecting that Virtual Gaius only showed up because Tricia Helfer couldn't switch her hair color from brown to blonde for just the one scene.

Speaking of which...I know we were supposed to be all excited about the Cylon intrigue, and the sudden appearance of Natalie and her People for the Ethical Treatment of Raiders (PETR) pals, but frankly, they're all bad guys, and now that Boomer turned unsympathetic again, and Caprica is gone, the only amusement value in those scenes is wondering if Simon or Doral will get to talk, and seeing just how snarky Dean Stockwell is going to be -- which is "considerably," by the way. I can't really be induced to care about Cylon politics, though.

And then there's Lee. Poor Lee Adama and His Mundane Destiny. Because what this fleet really needs are fewer skilled pilots and officers, and more lawyers. Way to hang a lampshade on the completely random career change, in that scene with Starbuck. You don't know why you have to do this, Lee? Neither do the viewers! And am I the only one who thinks he looks terrible in that suit, with the civilian haircut? If that's the last we see of Lee Adama, I'm going to be very grumpy indeed.

Final thought: If Helo's running off to chase comets with Starbuck, who the heck is CAG now? Hotdog? Anders better hurry up and find some l33t Cylon piloting skillz, because they're running out of good pilots.

I was a bit more harsh there than I expected to be, frankly, but hey, I did it in less than 26 pages, and with 100% less metaphysical nonsense than Jacob does. I'm certainly not giving up on the show, and probably my opinion is colored by being forced to watch one episode per week, but it's seemed awfully...ordinary...so far.

battlestar galactica, tv, criticism

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