Yes, that's my own horn I'm tooting

Feb 01, 2008 15:01

Most likely only laddical will appreciate this, but still. In today's newspost over at Penny Arcade, Gabe notes: "A reader wrote in today to tell me that he was doing the New York Times crossword puzzle for January 30th and noticed this clue for 12 down: "Tycho's pal in the webcomic 'Penny Arcade' (4 letters)." That's totally awesome." That reader? That was me. And yes, I think it's totally awesome. Also, thanks to Elora, since she's the one who downloaded the last month's worth of New York Times crosswords onto the PDA for me to do. (I've heard that a crossword puzzle a day can stave off Alzheimer's, and I don't need much encouragement to do crosswords anyway, so.)

Reminder: Pointless College Stories Week starts on Monday. Get 'em ready!


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