It's all about power

Jul 20, 2006 10:27

Well, that was pretty unpleasant. We lost power here at around 7:00 on Tuesday evening. I knew that thunderstorms were possible, and I was even looking forward to them after two days near 100 degrees. What we got were extra-violent storms that tore down tree limbs and threw around lawn furniture. I'm told the winds were hurricane-force for a while. So I wasn't exactly surprised when we lost power. We played some board games by candlelight, and acknowledged that it was uncomfortably warm when we went to bed.

What was surprising was when I got up the next morning and the power was still out. A phone call to the electric company indicated that we might not get it back until the weekend. In fact, most of the area around us was out...except for my wife's office, and my son's preschool. I have no explanation for either of these things, but since those locations had air conditioning and the house didn't, they went there. I, however, sat around here, unable to do much more than sit in the basement and read a book. Fortunately, shiny_bauble was kind enough to offer electricity and an Internet connection, so I took my laptop over there to get some work done in the afternoon. The strange bit is that the outages seem to be in small, random pockets. The Chili's down the street from Shiny was dark, but the restaurant two blocks down wasn't.

Fortunately, by the time we all got back here from dinner, around 7:00, the power was restored. It probably came back on a couple of minutes before we got there, judging by the temperature upstairs. So I'm cool and empowered and Internetty again.


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