In between all the other things that happened in one week in October, there was one other bit I didn't mention yet. It happened on Friday, so a few days after getting
back from Massachusetts, and the night before
the baseball game.
But it was decidedly trivial. )
Like our last one, for example: I can't remember the exact question, but it was something like, "What was the first non-variety show filmed before a live studio audience?" I believe they wanted I Love Lucy, but we gave them Howdy Doody, which preceded I Love Lucy by four years. They mumbled something about how Howdy Doody was a kid's show, but that's not what the question asked... and even though we weren't actually in the money for that one, it could have meant up to $200 for us. (At the previous championship, we uncharacteristically bet 0 on a four-parter we got correct, which would have given us $1500. Ouch.)
So yeah, it's for charity, but if you want people to LIKE your charity, and KEEP liking your charity, you'd damn well be on the ball. You get what you pay for.
(Another favorite, illustrating the reason why we stick with the Zupan-run contests: "Where is the Sea of Tranquility?" "Canada!")
It's a good thing I'm not letting this bother me, or anything.
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