The Hour's Getting Late

Mar 14, 2009 12:03

I watched the penultimate episode of Battlestar Galactica, something I haven't talked about in this space for a while.

I haven't said anything because it's nearly impossible to say anything without spoilers. Personally, I've thought that most of this season was pretty draggy, depressing, and random, especially since the Final Five were revealed. Last week, though, with Adama's decision to abandon Galactica, gave me the sniffles a bit.

And this As has been said elsewhere, I don't know how wise it is it do a "taking stock" story just before the end, but if you're going to do it like this, it was very well done. I have to assume that the flashbacks are going to continue into next week's finale, because otherwise, I don't see the point of Laura going on a date with some guy whose name I don't recognize, or Lee doing battle with a pigeon. But, hey, Zak! Actual, alive Zak! How great is that?

Adama's speech on the deck is going to have to go down as one of his best, and the "crossing the line" scene was completely awesome. Doc Cottle, is anything you do ever not awesome? I'm going to lay aside for the moment that it would be completely implausible for both Roslin and Lee to go on this suicide mission, because...Lee Frakkin' Adama! In uniform! Being a leader! If we get Lee in a Viper next week (and I'm certain we will), I'll forgive every single thing that's bored or annoyed me about this season.

In the theme of "this has all happened before, and will happen again," I've Netflix'd the miniseries to watch this week. And I think I'm going to have to watch the finale live. Even if I waited until Saturday morning, as is my habit of late, it's possible I could run into spoilers. Anybody (local) interested in a viewing party?

battlestar galactica, tv

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