They're magically insidious!

Nov 29, 2008 10:11

If useless trivia could be harnessed for electricity, my brain could power the city of New York for a year. Case in point: Sparky has a toy that has a number of diamond-shaped tiles in various colors. As a result, any time anyone says "blue diamonds," my immediate reply is "purple horseshoes." Elora tried to explain the reference to Sparky, but couldn't remember any of the other marshmallows. From the other room, with no actual recall effort, I snapped off "orange stars, yellow moons, green clovers, blue diamonds, purple horseshoes." The key point here is that I have never eaten Lucky Charms cereal. Even if my parents had allowed such frosted sugar bombs in the house (which they wouldn't), I don't like marshmallows, much less the "marshmallows" in kids' cereal. But I remember the lineup anyway.

What could I be doing with those brain cells? Are these the cells that other people use to remember who played third base for the Dodgers in 1952? (Billy Cox, it says here...I had to look that up.) It's possible, but I think I use those brain cells to remember B-list actors from 80s sci-fi movies, or the precise line-up of the X-Men in issue #142, so that's no explanation. If someday in the future, the fate of the world depends on my beating some alien at bar trivia...well, we'd just better hope that the category is "Cereal Jingles."

blather, 80s

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