Jul 17, 2005 22:03
today was pretty sweet
I got some clothes for work, then when i got home, sarah called me, we went down to linear with tim bailey and ramen, i painted some stuff while we waited for eric and will to show up, then everyone except eric and will went to home depot to get more paint cus we were gonna make a spoonful banner. Eric and will wanted to keep painting for a while. We all went back to baileys house, and after much debate about what to make the banner, we decided to make a huge pot leaf, and on the right top corner put SF and on the left top corner put OV, and across the bottom write ROTCORE, it's an awesome banner. after that bailey made us some mac and cheese with vegetarian hot dogs in it, it was very good. Then me eric and will went down to the abbots bridge and painted a little there, but my white kept bitchin out on me there and it wouldn't show up good, so i just did two black hallows, then we went to the run down RGE shacks and painted and hung out for a little. after that we went BACK to linear cus it was raining and shit, so we just hung out there and painted some more. after that we went to erics house and hung out and then i went home and i'm right here writing about it.
sweet day