May 11, 2004 20:55
Basically, i'm counting down the days for bickley. But i found out that bickley blows my chances of seeing the dwarves. Which sucks. But oh well. My friends and yours the Rated R Kids are playing on friday and i'm stoked i get to go see my boys all grown up and doing good without me. But it should be party time-excellent. I cleaned my room today, my carpet is brown. I finally know what color it is. THe apartment looks so nice. I've been really bored. THis is the first two days i've had off in a row where i didn't have to do something. We did go to a show last night, From Bubblegum to Sky and the TUna Helpers. Both bands were really rocking. We went and saw From Bubblegum to Sky again today for free at waterloo. And The Tunahelpers are like Eisley on lesbian crack. They even had a puppet show. Pretty awsome. I was looking forward to watching the astros game today cause clemens was pitching, but wouldn't you know, the day i could watch it, it's not even televised. Fuck. Oh i almost forgot, today me and ricky went to a thrift store and bought these bad ass toy guitars that make all sorts of ridiculous noises, i can't wait for the drunken Tomfoolery to begin.