Title: Shears
worblehatGenre: X-Men
Pairing: Logan/Scott
Rating: NC-17 overall
Disclaimer: These characters probably belong to Marvel. Not me.
Notes: Work-In-Progress!
Summary: A reluctant story of a man with heightened senses, who is saved most unwillingly (if he'd been awake at the time). Logan/Scott, adult-rated overall. Angst-filled, for your
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Comments 18
When did I become a chick?
I just re-watched X2 yesterday, so... I'd have Jean braid your hair.
Thanks for the interest. :)
I can't believe that I just started reading out of curiosity, that was one very lucky day.
You do a good work with this story, the way you describe the attraction between them and the observing eyes, the tension. Is great to read every time you make a post.
Though I'm a L&M shipper, I can't let go of this story.
I'm glad you like the tension - one of my favourite aspects to write about these two.
L&M=Logan and Marie, I'm assuming?
Thanks for giving it a try! I really appreciate the encouraging feedback. :)
Hah, I feel a bit of a cheat for using movie canon, but you know...set in movie!verse, so...I dunno. I just hope it's working okay.
Thank you! ♥
Sorry, had to get it out... :p
Now that I read the whole thing I have to tell you I simply love your story! Most of the L/S I read was after x-2, but if those two got together during x-1 that's the only way I can see them go!
More pleaaaase! :)
I'm glad you ended up liking it! Thanks for the feedback!
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