Title: Two In One
worblehatGenre: Lovely Complex
Pairing: Koizumi/Otani
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Dedicated to
goldie, if she reads it. For helping me get into an awesome series. ♥ I bet this will be AU as soon as volume 22 is scanlated. Let's pretend it's not though. Also, written for
Prompt: Duality.
Word Count: 2,204
Two In One )
Really? Oh yay! I wasn't sure if it'd be to your taste, it's just something that randomly popped into my head so I wanted to share it - hence the semi-awkward dedication. I tell you, I watched ep 2 twice and went back to re-read the last vol. of manga, I just love this series so, so much. You're very welcome! Oh, I'm so sincerely happy you liked it, yay! *|o|*
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