Title: No Ghosts In The Attic
worblehatGenre: X-Men (movieverse)
Pairing: Pyro/Rogue
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my characters.
Notes: Written for
xmenflashfic's prompt, "supernatural." Sorry if it only loosely ties.
Word Count: 760
No Ghosts In The Attic )
Comments 8
...And she does it again, Ladies and Gents ^^. Every time I think your writing can't get better, can't get more complete, you do things like this. I love the fact that there's a lot of things unsaid toward the end but you still can feel it ^^.
Ah, well, brilliant as always ^^.
Very good fic, thank you for posting for the challenge, woo hoo!
You're so thoughtful, thanks! ♥
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I really love your movieverse!Rogue, actually. I love her voice & the way she interacts with the characters. It all just seems to fit really well.
So yeah. Awesome job! I added you too, by the way. So I can keep up with your writing. Hope that's cool.
Thanks! Sure, that's totally fine, I've added back. I'm a bit slow on comments since I don't have as much time to spend online as before but I always get to them, and appreciate them. ♥
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