Suddenly very busy...

Oct 06, 2010 16:28

And before you know it, you don't only have a diploma, but also a job!

Friday October the 1st was I received my diploma. I had invited both Hein and Merel, but they both couldn't make it in the end. Luckily Aafje could come, so at 2 o'clock we were in the cafeteria with some tea, catching up.
After the welcome speech all the graduates were split up into different groups according to study. A teacher would call a graduate forward, hold a small speech, have the graduate sign the diploma and then give them a rose and a pen as a gift.
Normally Marieke would hold my speech, as she had been the one guiding me during my internship, but she was still recovering from giving birth to a healthy baby boy. Normally the honors would then go to Robert-Jan, who had been my study councilor for two years, but he had to teach (pesky first years). The one who held my speech in the end was Wouter, a teacher whom I had often had college from, and who had also been my lab teacher on various occasions.
He held a very personal and touching speech. I was really happy with it.
After all the graduates had gotten their diploma there was time for some drinks and snacks in the cafeteria, and some catching up with fellow students and teachers that were present.
In the end we didnt stick around long, as I wanted to visit my parents and show them my diploma.
So now I'm Ing. Bolleman.

I've also landed a temporal job. Starting Monday I'll work at the NVI, the Nederlands Vaccin Instituut. I'll work on an influenza study. Patients that have been inoculated will donate blood at various time intervals. The blood cells will be studied to see how the immunization of the patients develops. My job is to isolate the blood cells and keep the patient database up to date.
It will end mid December. I hope that after Christmas I can start with my Master.

work, nvi, diploma

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