Koninginnedag loot

May 04, 2010 15:23

I totally forgot to post my queensday loot list!

Getting out of bed at seven payed off. I was at the market by eight, and it was already drizzeling by then. Luckily people kept arriving so I mostly had first pick from stuff.
I am really REALLY happy with what I scored.

- Infantrymen's Uplifting Primer, Damocles Gulf edition.
- Vampire the Dark ages novel: Ravnos
- Vampire the Dark ages novel: Ventrue
- A marine great coat (wool)
- two Koninklijke Landmacht coats (wool)
- one Koninklijke Landmacht great coat (wool)
- One KL baret and one KL officers cap
- a Japanese fan.
- Black pants
- A Nightmare Before Christmas sweater.

The KL great coat and the Japanese fan were donated to Sna. The coat was too big for me, but fit him good and he looked quite the officer and a gentleman in it.
The books will keep me busy for a while, and I nearly have all Dark Ages novels collected now. The Infantrymen's primer is just awesome.
The coats, baret and officers cap will go to various LARP projects of mine. A good coat and hat really puts the finishing touches on a costume.
The normal clothes will be nice adition to my every day wardrobe.

I love my loot!


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