Unity 2.0: Mainframe Insane

Mar 02, 2010 10:36

My third studio apocalypse event, my second full unity (I was at playtest 2: life SUCs). And it just keeps getting better.

OC I had a couple of rough patches due to having too many real life issues playing trough my head, but there were a lot of friendly listening ears who I could ramble to, and that really helped. I did wish I could have gotten more sleep, but there was just too much spooking trough my head.
Thanks again everyone for a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on.

All my IC roles were a lot of fun.
I played Maria, my main NPC role. As PA for the CEO’s and bodyguard I heard a lot, said little and poured a lot of whisky. Being the strong silent type (literally) was quite a lot of fun.

My other big role was Jamie de Vlugge. Insurance agent for Verzekernet. I was there to sell zorgverzekeringen and WA verzekeringen to the players. Having done her homework, Jamie went with that extra button loose on her blouse and some nice heels. It didn’t help with selling a lot, but a lot of people were interested in her ‘selling points’. A few people eventually signed their ‘polis’. Mission accomplished.
I had a few small parts to play too. Most fun were an ex-UAF soldier that had lost a lot of sanity and was talking to her gun in the Arkham Horror plot and my role for the Heralds of the Script plot. I seem to get typecast as a furry for some reason… And damn people, I was not a giant spacerat this time! (they tend to have tails, and don’t speak or wear clothes).
The ladies night was a huge success and completely IC. It was a well deserved treat for the women who are far outnumbered on Bold Venture. +5 sanity for all women that were present. As for the men that got dragged into this… I don’t know, but I can envision nightmares that feature screaming woman and damage to the eardrums.

This was a good event overall with me and I enjoyed myself in every role I played. For next Unity I hope to update my costume for Maria and be OC more of a sunshine. And of course, ladies night, part 2!

unity, larp

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