Musings about the weather

Feb 01, 2010 16:10

One of the most discussed topics in the Netherlands is the weather. It gets discussed every day. It usually is used for small talk and complaining.
Complaining about the weather seems sometimes like the national sport.

This morning during the coffee break the weather took a beating again. It had been snowing this weekend, and this morning we had even more snow. People made it sound like the world was ending.
I can understand that its frustrating to loose an hour due to traffic jams. That’s not nice.
But I love this weather. From the moment I step outside to the moment I get back inside, I am enjoying things immensely.
When I open the front door, and step into the cold air, I can smell the frost and the snow. The air feels cleaner and it bites my lungs when I take a deep breath. The cold doesn’t bother me as cycling at a fast pace keeps me warm. Only the top of my nose and my cheeks sting in the wind.
The snow covered landscape is beautiful. I have a nice stretch of pasture and trees that I can enjoy during my ride. Everything is nice and soft. The dark tree branches are lined with a strip of white, revealing every little twig in high contrast.

I love cycling to and from work in this weather, even this morning when there was heavy snowfall. The wind blew the snow in my face and the cycling path was fast covered in a deep layer of snow. I couldn’t see far in front of me, I couldn’t see where the cycling path ended and the grass began and there were some real slippery places where my back wheel started to go sideways.
But instead of complaining that I was wet, cold and couldn’t see, I just looked at it as a fun challenge and enjoyed the beauty of the landscape and the silently falling snow.

Winter, real winter. My favorite season.

snow, weather

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