Exodus is coming to a close. With this episode being the next-to-last, a lot of things would have to be done so we can stop Fiorne.
Warning: it’s long and detailed so I don’t forget anything that has to go in my IC diary book.
Loooooooooooooooooooooooong )
Comments 2
With Melohir gone and Lannis absent, Marcus does look to Aya for some kind of leadership, especially when stuff needs to actually happen. She seems to know when to listen, and when to take action. Ide is much better at keeping some cohesion in the group though, so she's not a bad pick for Exalted Leader ;) One 'nice' one to keep the group together, one 'firm' one to kick it into action.
Its always nice to see Marcus working. A little island of peace and quiet between all those people running around being busy with important stuff.
On Exodus 1 I decided not to take on the active leadership of the group. Aya is a military persone, and would have tried to do things the military way. That would never have worked. Not with this bunch.
Instead I choose to work from the sidelines. I bit of manipulation here, a bit of coorceration or browbeating there, and before you know it, things get done.
Leading by example is also a big one.
I am always happy to play with Marcus. He seems to see right trough the tough girl image and see the woman beneath. Those little human gestures, showing concern, having a good conversation... Its keeping Aya sane (or what's left of it anyway).
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