This Post Brought to You By:
xenophobia77, Mikey Z's mom, Invasion Romance, and Old Nick himself.
666 ruled. my friends are the fucking jam.
I drove to Palm Coast (aka The Wasteland) and picked up The Minister of Chill, Mikey Z.
we then drove to TSI for Shots for Satan, a virgin sacrifice, satanic giveaways, and more beer and rock n roll than you could shake a stick at.
667, however, holy crap.
I was gonna be Mr. Responsible today, so I got mikey Z up at 10-ish so I could drop him off in palm coast (about one hour away) and get back in time to get some shit done before work.
no dice.
instead of boring you with tons of filler and dribble, I'm going to just reduce today to the following bullet points:
- my radiator cap exlpoded, sending antifreeze all over Mikey Z's driveway and putting me in a conundrum.
- the time I wanted to spend getting shit done was spent searching all over Palm Coast (aka Asshole Central) for coolant and a new radiator cap.
- I smashed my finger in the hood of my car. thankfully it's not broken or anything, but it sure doesn't feel too awesome.
- I smoked for the first time in a long while, and let me tell you, I'm prolly not gonna do that shit for a long ass time. it made me real lethargic and ennervated, and along with not eating all day and sweating balls from no AC, I felt like shit pretty much all day.
on the bright side tho, I have a shiny new radiator cap, my finger isn't broken, I got to work only 4 minutes late (despite disaster striking), and I have awesome friends.
Thanks Mikey Z. (and the woman he came out of) for all your help today!
I'm almost as glad today is over as I was when 2005 was over. let's hope this is the shittiest day of 2006. I have a feeling that this year is going to rule if I can sucessfully keep my head out of my ass.