Oct 12, 2006 19:24
Well, I decided that I would give NaNoWriMo a try again this year. I didn't try at all last year, but I'm feeling a little better about this year. The idea came to me while I was at a restraint training for work. I have lots of stories about my profession that could be translated into something fun to read. I don't really have a plot for the 'book' as a whole, but that's not what is most important about NaNoWriMo. What's more important is getting at least fifty thousands words on paper in the course of a month. If I can meet that goal just writing observations and remembrances, then I don't think fitting them around a plot of some kind won't be too hard. I figure in the end it will probably end up reading a bit like a Coupland book, but without the gratuitous tech references.
The Subject of this post is also going to be the working title. For those who know me, you'll probably recognize what the title refers to, others of you, may not. If you ask nicely I might explain, but then again, I might not.