Ron: Babbity Rabbity? *LooksAround* - Harry: *ShakesHead* - Hermione: *Confused* - Ron: -_-

Nov 20, 2010 00:33

Good lord.
I think I might be drunk. Or delirious.
Or, maybe, deliriously drunk. (The fact that it took me three attempts- both times- to spell the word 'delirious', and that I'm still unsure of whether or not I've spelt it ... correctly ... is proof enough that I'm intoxicated by some sort of..something. Yup. Improvisation, people, it comes in handy :D)

And why, you ask, am I drunk? ... *AwkwardSilence* Ok, so maybe I did just make that last part up. But hey, without a stage for audience participation, how else am I going to bloody engage you? (I am sure I have no fucking idea of what I'm talking about. I think it's the damn Draco again...grrr...Draco...mmm..)

And why, you ask, am I drunk? Well. It's that idiot with the bloody scar again, isn't it? Pff.
Um. Ok so maybe not just him (*CoughJAMIECAMPBELLBOWERCough*), but I reckon I'm intoxicated in general by

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows....Part 1

Yes! I did just link my sentence end to the title instead of actually bothering to end the sentence :P That is how I roll...LOL JK I'm just lazy.

But yes! Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows- Part One!


^ I reckon that pretty much explains how much I fricking LOVED IT! Seeing as I only saw it a couple of hours ago, it's still fresh in my mind. And brilliant. And funny. And sad. And adventurous. And fucking frightening (seriously, don't take your children to see this unless you want them to wet the bed. Jeez, I was clasping onto my sister's hand for dear life. As if she'd have been any help...) and happy and exciting and PENULTIMATE D':

Holy shit, it's nearly the end of the Potter series! ;'O It sucks. Just thinking about it fills me with tears...oh, dear. That's another thing. If you are going to go and watch this film (YES, film. Not then for crying out loud BRING TISSUES with you. You will need them. Trust me, I know.

But as for the actual film? Well, one thing I'll say is that it was completely loyal to the book. I don't think there was a single bit in the plot which was overlooked, thrown away (yeah, probably a bit of exaggeration but shh, I'm drunk, remember?) or switched around; one good thing which has come out of splitting the Deathly Hallows into two films.

And OMG (Tehee I'm slowly transforming into a lolcat...) the ending was amazing. Seriously, if I hadn't read the books- countless times, ahem- and was just counting on the film to get me along, I would have DIED at the dramatic, cliffhanger ending they chucked us. Wow. I cannot WAIT until June.

And...ah, man...I think I have run out of steam. Or..rather... um. Steam. Yes, I've run out of ideas now, too. Screw this shit of a bull, I'm going home :D I mean, I'm going away from here :D

But before I do, I'll just tell you what I'll be talking about next week ('Oh, joy, another one', they all exclaim...), because I'm sure you really want to know (:

Writer's Block.

(Ha, convenient.)

Oh, I wonder how you could have guessed that the idea came fully formed into my mind whilst running out of steam...yup, there was a J. K. Rowling reference in there, kudos for the one who finds it... :D

So long and goodnight.
Chezzy Xx

drunk high harry potter and the deathly

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