Making Amends
Oh, dear. It would appear that I've completely abandoned LiveJournal since my last update, in October 2009. Well...yes. I have. But seriously?
October 2009.
Jesus Christ, that was over a year ago.
I'm completely certain that there is no sane soul out there who pays any attention at all to the existance of this little place, let alone reads it, but I send my deepest apologies and regrets to all- if any- of the dodgy and slightly insane people who do.
I really have missed my darling occupied so much of my time...but I've never really been one for pulling through with things, so I guess that's why so many of my apparently genius schemes failed.
And over the past year, I think I've grown up a bit; actually, from just one glance at the title of my last post back in October 2009, I can tell I've grown up a lot. I mean, a LOT. Seriously? "Loolz"? "Oh daymnit"?
The ramblings of a lonesome thirteen year old wouldn't interest anyone. Even if they were dying of boredom and needed to find something else to It just wouldn't work.
The ranting and complaining of a slightly less lonesome FOURTEEN year old, however.... Yeah. I still don't see people flocking to come read this shizzle.
But oh well..seeing as I do love my LJ, and I DO use LJ for..other..purposes, I reckon I'm going to re-start my creative-ish streak and continue writing it!
Oh hell to the YES, I will be here every Friday with something else vaguely uninteresting for you other crazy hyenas to read. (Yes. Hyenas. I am also in the habit of calling people silly muffins...get over it) And, as I know I'll run out of steam eventually (that's my warning. When I disappear for another year, just know that you have been warned), I'm going to set the topic for my next post at the end of each last one., that DOES make sense. Meh.
So, without further ado, I shall set the topic for THIS FRIDAY'S POST :D
That is, once I've actually thought of a topic to set. Right! I have one!
Plans And Aspirations.
Yes, that is my theme. No, topic. No..theme sounds be- oh what the fuck, just choose whichever word you think sounds best.
Well that is it for me tonight! So long all- well, you know what I mean- and goodnight! Until Friday, my imaginary friends <3
Chezzy Xx