Sorry about the retarded intro. It was Leona Lewis, only I couldn't remember the words to the bit where it says blah blah blah tra laaaaaaaa....something. That might be why it says blah blah blah tra laaaaaaaa....something instead of the words to the song. I dunno.
Alrighty then. Well, the thurd Turkeyland confession is this:
They want one of three things- a. you in bed or b. you buying something or c. your hat.
This is, absolutely and one hundred percent, TRUE. You know what I said before in the last thingie- before all the nonsensical babblings about mistakes and thoughts and typing and what not- about all the men perving on me? Or, any girl, for that matter. But yes. That's kinda explained, so the next thing- buying something. Oh, my god. (See bottom for explanation of comma) Every shop or stall or whatever we passed, people tried to put things into our hands or "ask us a question" about something or other that would, one way or another, lead to us buying something. It. Was. Hell. Though not as bad as Tunisia, my parents tell me (sp on Tunisia?). Oh, and the other thing- your hat. Well, technically speaking, my dad's hat. =D
Everybody- and I mean, literally, EVERYBODY- loved his hats. He had two; one monochromey thingie with flowery things on for the night time, and one casual strawy thingie for the daytime. Every Turkish dude loved them. In one bar, a waiter was wearing it for about half an hour. It's ridiculous (even on Monday, at Notting Hill Carnival he had a matching hat and Hawaiian shirt- xD- and one guy patted him on the head and said cool hat and he had so many pictures taken of his hat and shirt, it's ridicu- wait, I just said that...=S) how many times his hats were taken off his head and put back on some time later.
Chezzy Xx
*Explanation of comma: I don't know if I've explained it before, but read this bitches. Oh, my god. is what I said. Now, I said Oh, my god. because I felt that saying oh my god didn't put enough feeling in, and Oh. My. God. was too dramatic, and what not. And I also thought there should be just a wee pause after the Oh and before the my god, so in comes the comma. Hmm. Funny, that. I never really thought about how comma was spelt. Now, looking at it, I've either spelt it wrong or it's one hell of a weirdly spelt word. *thinkingface*.
The Turkeyland Confessions.
Turkeyland Confession #1: There is a chicken in your hotel.
Turkeyland Confession #2: Older men can't seem to grasp the concept of staying away from teenage girls.
Turkeyland Confession #3: They want one of three things- a. you in bed or b. you buying something or c. your hat.