I have been assaulted, my innocence torn from me like a baby gasping for breath, with a list of things that make me happy. Damn you, Lady of the Jutea!! *shakes angry fist*
1. Can I cop out and say 'friends'? Seriously. I think it's obvious.
2. Dogs. I was going to say animals in general, but there's just something about their waggy tails, the bouncy walk, the beady eyes that perceive so much yet still remain oblivious.. Moving on.
3. Music. Gets me through the worst of moods, and makes the better days even that much greater. <3
4. Rain. I adore the pitter-patter it makes on the windows, the freshness of the air, and the green it leaves on the grass when it's done. A little rainbow never hurts, either.
5. Getting something done. It's such an accomplishment to actually finish any project I plan to start, I feel simply astounded when it's over. Speaking of which, this list rocks. I feel good now. ^_^
Zappity-zap, go go
shoshy04 and
wolfbite! That's everyone on my list who hasn't been tagged already. >.