No Manners--Chapter 3

Apr 29, 2007 15:15

Chapter 3

“We have to get her back!” Wilson ran his fingers through his hair. He had let someone close to him get taken. Again. He almost couldn’t bear it. But he had to focus. Cameron’s life depended on it.

“First, we need to know why someone would take her,” Angel said. He stood up and moved towards Wilson, his shoulders rolled and his brow furrowed as Angel always did when he tried to get information that he wasn’t beating out of someone. “Who are you-actually?”

Wilson took a swig of the beer he had swiped from the bar. “I already told you. I’m a doctor at Princeton Plainsborough Teaching Hospital. So is Allison Cameron.”

“How do you know about vampires?” Kate asked. She hadn’t even noticed that her brand new little black dress was in shreds now.

He glanced down at his hand. He did not like to talk about it. No one knew, not even House or his family, that he continually trained. He would patrol three nights a week. His wives did not know where he would go those nights and it always eventually led to their divorce. He let them believe, let House believe, that infidelity had destroyed those relationships, but the truth was that he had never once cheated on any woman. It was safer for them to think that, though.

“How do you know about vampires?” Faith said. She wasn’t in the mood to cater to handsome guys in distress. She wanted to save the girl. Needed to save her. For her own redemption.

Wilson looked at Kate. He had a feeling that she would understand. “I lost someone I loved to a vampire.”

And Kate did understand. Her father was murdered by vampires and demons. For a long time, she blamed Angel for that. But she knew now that it was the darkness’ fault. So she had moved here to New Jersey to fight it as much as she could.

“And your girlfriend,” Faith said. “Does she know about vampires?”

Wilson shook his head. “She’s not my girlfriend. And I don’t think so. She doesn’t seem to believe in anything. And she was pretty damn scared tonight.”

“This would be a really good time to have a vision, Angel.” Keen took the knife from his pocket and began sharpening his wooden stake.

“I could try sending a memo to the Powers That Be, but I don’t think that would help,” Angel said sarcastically. “You know they only let me see what they want me to.”

“Visions?” Wilson asked.

Kate sat down next to Wilson. “He gets messages from the Powers That Be when he’s needed. It’s kind of like being psychic.” Angel had kept in contact with her since she left LA, so she knew what had happened in the last few years.

“We’re just going to have to track her,” Angel said, picking up his leather coat from a table and bounding towards the front door.

“It’s still creepy that you can smell people,” Kate said as she fell into step behind Faith and Keen.

Wilson, still slightly dazed, caught up to them as they headed for Angel’s car.

Angel popped open the trunk and stared down at the many weapons. He picked up his favorite broadsword as the rest of the group started gathering their choice of weaponry. “Pick wisely people,” Angel told them. “There’s going to be some damage done tonight.”

“What in the hell is going on?”

They all looked up to see the voice standing in front of them.

Wilson’s jaw dropped. He wasn’t going to be able to lie about this one.

“Did you join a cult?” the voice continued. “Is this what you do on all your first dates?”

Wilson took a step forward. “House, you need to get out of here. Now.”

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