Apr 10, 2006 19:24
School was fine. Crew killed the reat of my week and part of my weekend. I don't get to fricken race this weekend, I'm so sad, really I'm sad and mad and just want to jump off a bridge.. now this week is so fricken pointless cuz i don't even get to go out on the water and we'll finallly have docka and it'll be like fricken 60's and I get to stay and do dumb fricken land workouts and I'm just so angry. Emotionally, I've very hurt and unstable right now. Physcially I fricken hurt my knee and I don't know how and it just really bugs me I just want to be not sick anymore.. I hatemy fricken immune syaytem.. I need a new body just so I can never ever get sick or fricken mono never ever again because I'm tired of being tired, I'm tired of having headaches, I'm tired of the whole I'm hungry but can't eat because when I eat I feel sick, I'm tired of people because they're annoying and stupid, I'm tired of boys and shoulc just be a lesbian or never marry and live like a hermit, I'm tired of coaches teachers school and just life in general.. .....aghhhh..I'm not supposed to be angry I don't like being angry but here I am, and I am very angry,