Feb 14, 2006 19:42
Valentine's day. Some people call it a hallmark holiday, some say it's the best day of the year. Personally, I like it. Personally I feel that some people, in their own diluted little outrage against bad experiences turn the holiday into a wrathful, mocking symbol of vengeance and they choose to strike out in a personal clame against the day. Guess what? Get over it. Any day that makes people feel better than they normally good, whether it's for material reasons or emotional ones, isn't a bad day. Maybe if they could see the broader spectrum of what the "Holiday" is supposed to stand for, they'd grasp the concept of what it's intent really is: promoting love, friendships, heartwarming gifts, etc. People mock other people who wear red on that day because they say that they're promoting conformity. GUESS WHAT!?!?! Confromity has become almost nonexistant in today's youth?! It's now seen as something ugly and hideous, the idea of people doing something that's the same. That being the case, then to conform is actually to be different than all the self-visualized "unique trend setters" out there (the millions I'm sure there are). Wear green on saint partiks day, pastels on easter. It's no different than wearing your school colors to the Homecoming Game or dressing up in a Tux or a Dress for a wedding. So, maybe a positive aspect about valentine is it's conformist aspects of everyone being in the "theoretically" same lovey-dovey mind set. Maybe our society could use a little more conformity? Have we gotten -too- individualized that we have lost ourselves in a mad swirl of ideals?
Today, Mike's my Valentine. We figured it would take the whole stress of finding one off =p