
Jun 17, 2009 14:06

I have been noticing that many couples I know have started living together or have been thinking about living together and I found these stats about it.

Divorce Statistics and Living Together: The Numbers
According to statistics gathered by US Attorney Legal Services, living together before getting married doesn't accomplish the goal that couples think that it will. A couple who does not live together prior to getting married has a 20 percent chance of being divorced within five years. If the couple has lived together beforehand, that number jumps to 49 percent.

If the couple chooses to live together as an alternative to being married at all, the likelihood that the relationship will break up within five years is 49 percent. At the 10-year mark, a married couple has a 33 percent chance of breaking up. For the unmarried couple who is living together, the likelihood of a breakup is a whopping 62 percent.

Marriage After Living Together
For couples who decide to move in together, just over half of them marry within five years. Within that same time period, 40 percent of couples split up. Roughly 10 percent of them continue to live together without being married.

Reasons Why Cohabitation Doesn't Improve Chances of Marital Success
People who decide to live together may do so with the expectation that it will help them determine whether they will have a successful marriage with their partner. Divorce statistics and living together show that this is not the case. People who decide to live with a partner may also be more likely to divorce if they are unhappy with the relationship after taking vows, since they may have less conservative views of marriage.

During the time the couple lives together, they know that the situation may not be permanent. They divide bills and property in terms of "yours" and "mine," but don't necessarily have the notion that assets belong to both of them. Living together may be more stressful than being married, due to the lack of stability. Even if the couple ultimately decides to make their relationship legal, they may not have developed the foundation they need for a successful marriage.

Just doesnt seem like a good idea to me. Too risky.
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